Alex TsankovHow to host your own GitHub Pages server on Digital Ocean in less than 15 minutes using go-live.A static webpage is a blob of HTML,CSS, and JS that doesn’t change whenever a user loads a page. This is different than traditional…Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021
Alex TsankovThe “Oracle Problem” isn’t a Problem, and why Smart Contracts makes Insurance better for everyone.One of the many criticisms of the usefulness of smart contracts is known as the Oracle Problem. Plainly put, because a smart contract has…Jun 21, 20184Jun 21, 20184
Alex TsankovinHackerNoon.comDealing with a nasty AWS Billing Surprise: Beware the defaults.The architecture of my Amazon Web Services application was supposed to be simple. It’s two independent Lambda functions with a Redis cache…Feb 8, 20177Feb 8, 20177
Alex TsankovDomo Arigato, Mr.Roadboto (pt.1): Introducing the ProblemIf you’re a Coloradan who lives in either Boulder or Denver, chances are you’ve heard of the Epic Local Pass. It’s a pass that gives you…Dec 25, 2016Dec 25, 2016
Alex TsankovGetting an IDS to play with an SDN controller.Bro-Yanc IntegrationDec 18, 2015Dec 18, 2015